This page was home to the letter-writing campaign for Vladimir Kara-Murza, an unjustly imprisoned Russian dissident. Huge thank you to everyone who wrote to Vladimir! We received, translated and successfully sent 175 letters.
A monologue of a Moscow woman on how a protocol was drawn up against her about «discrediting» the Russian army after a dispute about war in Ukraine in a coffee shop.
Монолог москвички о том, как на нее составили протокол о «дискредитации» армии после спора в кофейне. Она сделала замечание мужчине, который агрессивно высказывался об украинцах.
A mechanic from Nizhny Novgorod’s Sokol plant was fired for tearing down leaflets that called for donations to the Russian military. His colleagues had denounced him.